All you need to know about the best tricks of Snapchat!

Snapchat might not be as common as it was earlier, but you cannot doubt the fact that it is one of the most common innovative social apps ever produced.
To hook up with other common social media platforms, Snapchat has launched many new points and tricks. We bet you won’t be knowing any of them.
Aside from prominent traits like passing stories, and toxic messaging, Snapchat has several other private features.
In this post, we will be telling you about 13 cool Snapchat tricks that you don’t know about.
Snapchat tricks that you should more often use
1. Turning Any Emojis Into a Colorful Filter
You can choose any Snapchat emoji and change it into a colourful filter. All you want to do is pick an emoji in the colour you want and put it in the corner of your screen.
Reduce the emoji and drive it to the corner. The dotted transparent edge changes into a filter.
2. Changing the Color of Individual Letters & Words

You can make your text look lively by modifying the appearance of your words and letters individually.
For this type, a title for your snapshot and click on the T symbol. Select a colour of your choosing from the palette and highlight any term or letter in your text by clicking on the tricolour option.
You can obey the same steps to modify the colour for the following word or letter.
3. Using Tint Brush for Changing the Color of Things
With the aid of the tint brush, you can easily change the appearance of your snapshots. After you match a picture, choose the scissors icon and then the paintbrush icon.
Following, pick the colour of your preference and also the form you want to change the colour. Changing the colour of the chosen object the time you exclude your finger.
4. Finding Out Who Removed or Blocked You on Snapchat
Rather than wondering who hindered or removed you on Snapchat, you can easily find it out yourself. Choose the “ Friends” option, in your profile settings.
Now seek your friend who you think might have dismissed or blocked you.
Once you match their name, you will be given a popup including their profile data. If you can notice your friend’s Snap score, it means he/she has not barred or removed you.
5. Applying Multiple Filters on Snapchat
Snapchat enables you to join up to 3 filters in one story or snapshot. You can pick from the given filters and handle them in combination.
If you don’t love it, you can also exclude the filters from your picture.
6. Distorting the Sound Using a Filter
You can change the audio using the audio filter. In the beginning, you need to take a video and then hit on the speaker switch on the left corner of your screen.
Take the filter you need to add, and you are good to go.
7. Drawing with the Use of Emojis
By painting with emojis, you can make your snaps and videos astonishing. You can choose from 8 various rotation options.
After you tick a picture, select the pencil icon. Following, click on the colour selector to obtain the whole set of options. Now choose an emoji and swipe.
8. Saving Mobile Data with cool Travel Mode
You understand how much data Snapchat drains. But you can diminish your mobile data use with the travel mode.
For this, you need to be going to settings and then to extra services. Tapping on the “Manage” option and enabling the “Travel Mode“. This will aid you to save plenty of mobile data.
9. Accessing a Wide Range of Color Alternatives
If you desire to obtain more colour alternatives on Snapchat, start down the colour slider and pick the colour you need.
To make white, choose the rainbow colour palette and draw your pointer to the upper-left corner of the screen.
For black colour, tap the rainbow and slide your finger down to the lower screen. For more moderate or darker colours, choose the wanted shade and drive your finger over the screen to get the classic shade.
10. Snapchat Recognizing Songs with Shazam Integration

Several users are not conscious of Snapchat’s Shazam integration. This trait can know any song that you want to.
To use this trait, tap and own the viewfinder. It will acknowledge the song that is performed.
11. Decorating the Snaps with Underlines & Bold Italics
This is a unique formatting feature that lets you get inventive with your texts. Next, you take a snapshot and tap the T icon to join the text to your photo.
Now choose the text by touching and taking the text. You will see a menu arrive on the cover with possibilities such as Italic, Bold, and Underline.
You can pick the option that you need to use for your text. Once you are made formatting, press Done.
12. Solving Math Problems
Did you grasp that Snapchat can aid you solve a math problem? With this method, you can get the maximum of your Snapchat.
First, prepare your camera and choose the scan icon. Go to the calculator icon placed next to the goods finder.
Instantly touch and hold so that the camera can consider your math question. It will show you the events through Photomath.
13. Finding a Product
Snapchat also assists you to find products that you need to buy. This can be done by utilizing Snapchat’s camera.
Touch on the happy face on your camera screen and agree on the scan icon. Swipe started and elect the shopping bag item. You will see a listing of similar products that are open on Amazon.
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